

If you wish to return your item to us due to unforeseen circumstances, please inform us and return to us within four (4) days after receiving it and not after. 

All items sold are non-refundableGet in touch with us via the contact us section of our website.


  1. 請将购物单据及商品的瑕疵狀況(清晰图)附在附件中。
  2. 目前僅受理商品瑕疵時只換不退服務。(僅限同款商品更換)
  3. 包裝時請重用起初收到本公司的袋子,將您的退貨商品/配件妥善包裝並「完整密封」,以避免於運送途中掉落遺失。
  4. 商品已使用過、下水過或因人為因素損壞者,配件不全或吊牌已剪,恕不接受換貨。
  5. 瑕疵的定義︰布料破損、嚴重脫線、大片髒污、拉鍊壞掉等明顯瑕疵。
  6. 非瑕疵定義︰些許線頭、輕微脫線、極小汙點、尺寸 1~3 cm 誤差、螢幕色差、釦眼未開,在國際驗貨標準皆屬可接受的範圍。
  7. 收到商品經檢查確認後,商品保持完整新品可販售狀態者,將安排新商品約 10-12 工作天陸續出貨 (不含國定假日及例假日)。





※ 只接受更換尺碼,不包含更換款式及顏色


※ 每筆交易授予尺碼更換一次


  1. 含尺碼的商品既能申請更換,不限於free-size商品,優惠商品,鞋類及飾品。
  2. 買家需自行支付更換尺碼的寄回運費。
  3. 包裝時請重用起初收到本公司的袋子,將您的退貨商品/配件妥善包裝並「完整密封」,以避免於運送途中掉落遺失。
  4. 商品已使用過、下水過或因人為因素損壞者,配件不全或吊牌已剪,恕不接受換貨。
  5. 收到商品經檢查確認後,商品保持完整新品可販售狀態者,將安排新商品約 10-12 工作天陸續出貨 (不含國定假日及例假日)。

※ 如您未取得同意即自行寄回退貨商品,或逾期寄回退貨商品,本公司將無法受理您的退貨,若需再寄回給您退貨商品,請自行負擔寄回運費。


※ 如商品有鑑賞期退換貨或任何問題,請參考服務條款點擊此處聯絡客服信箱。

Guides on returning

  • Clear images of imperfection/defective products along with purchase receipt should included in the attachments.
  • We will be replacing you a brand new piece of the defective item(s), instead of refunding.
  • When returning a product, put the unused item(s) back in the original packaging, along with any accompanying accessories and the delivery slip. 
  • Any item not returned or returned incomplete, spoiled, broken, damaged, soiled or in any other condition that would reasonably suggest that it has been used or worn, will not be replaced. With regard to footwear, the sole must also be intact.
  • We reserve the right to reject any returned item if it doesn’t meet all mentioned conditions.
  • New replacement of defective items will be made within ten to twelve (10-12) working days of receiving the product(s), subject to your return being accepted.

※ If you have any further questions on returning or exchanging, please refer to our general terms of service and/or contact us.

※ All items sold are non-refundable.

※ Size Exchange is granted for one (1) time per transaction.

※ Size Exchange does not include item’s type and colour.

※ Size Exchange is not allowed for On Sale Items.

Conditions for size exchanging

  • Any item comes with several sizes may request for size exchange. Please noted that our size exchange does NOT applicable to free size items, on sale items, footwear and accessories.
  • You are responsible for the shipping cost and custom duty of returned item.
  • When returning a product, put the unused item(s) back in the original packaging, along with any accompanying accessories and the delivery slip. 
  • Any item not returned or returned incomplete, spoiled, broken, damaged, soiled or in any other condition that would reasonably suggest that it has been used or worn, will not be exchanged.
  • We reserve the right to reject any returned item if it doesn’t meet all mentioned conditions.
  • Size exchange on selected products will be made within ten to twelve (10-12) working days of receiving the product(s), subject to your return being accepted.

※If you return the item without consent, or return the item not within the exchange period, we will not be able to accept your return. 

※You will have ninety (90) days to claim the returned/bounced parcel before it will be deemed as Gothhouse’s property and no compensation will be done as sufficient response time has been given.

※If you have any further questions on returning or exchanging, please refer to our general terms of service and/or contact us.

The management of Gothhouse reserves the right to change the terms of service and sale without prior notice.