Gothhouse attach particular importance to the processing, confidentiality and security of your personal data. We are committed to offering you personalised services while respecting your privacy and personal choices.

The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform you in a clear, simple and complete manner of the processing carried out on the personal data that you provide to us, or that each of our Houses can collect from the various outlets. contact you may have with us (e.g. shop, customer care,, social networks, digital applications, events), their possible transfer to third parties as well as your rights and the options you have to control your information protect your privacy, in accordance with current regulations.

In this statement, you will find all information in the list below;

The Gothhouse entity responsible for the processing of your personal data will depend on how you interact with Gothhouse’s Sites and Apps and where you are located in the world. The relevant Gothhouse entity are referred to as “Gothhouse”, “our”, “we” or “us” in this privacy policy.

We ask you for certain personal data to provide you with the products or services you request. For example, when you make purchases, contact our consumer services, request to receive communications, create an account, participate in our events or contests, or use our Sites.
This personal data includes your:

  • contact details including name, email, telephone number and shipping, billing address;
  • login and account information, including screen name, password and unique user ID;
  • personal details including gender, hometown, date of birth and purchase history;
  • payment or credit card information;
  • images, photos and videos;
  • data on physical characteristics, including weight, height, and body measurements (such as estimated stride and shoe/foot measurements or apparel size);
  • personal preferences including your wish list as well as marketing and cookie preferences.


When interacting with our Sites and Apps, certain data is automatically collected from your device or web browser. More information about these practices is included in the “Cookies and Pixel Tags” section of this privacy policy below.  This data includes:

  • Device IDs, call state, network access, storage information and battery information; and
  • Cookies, IP addresses, referrer headers, data identifying your web browser and version, and web beacons and tags.

We are required to use your data for purposes defined according to the nature of our relationships. Thus, depending on the context in which your data is collected, it may be used for one or more of the following purposes:

  • Managing your orders
  • Management of personalised content and Gothhouse communications (digital or not)
  • Managing your profile
  • Managing your loyalty program
  • Managing your requests in connection with Gothhouse
  • The management of events in which you register / participate
  • The management of our website and our digital applications
  • Management and improvement of our products and services, image and reputation
  • Transaction management (securing online payments, prevention of fraud, incidents related to payments and debts)
  • Analysis and personalisation purposes: with your explicit consent (when required), we use your personal data to send you personalised communications (newsletters, offers, invitations and surveys) and analyse your preferences and habits, anticipate your needs from of your consumer profile. We can make you benefit from our personalised communications by means of emails, postal letters, SMS or calls according to the communication preferences that you have indicated to us and your consumer profile (when authorised).


We ensure the legal basis for the processing of your data according to the purpose (s) concerned, which may be, depending on the context in which it is collected:

  • Your explicit consent: for example, for the purposes of managing our personalised commercial offers, managing your browsing via cookies under the conditions defined by our
  • Cookies Policy, or establishing your consumer profile in applicable cases;
  • The implementation of a contract, for example for your access to your customer account, the processing and follow-up of your orders …;
  • A legal obligation when processing is required by law, for example, keeping purchase invoices to prevent fraud;Our legitimate interest: for example, to improve our products and services, defend ourselves or secure our tools.

Your data is intended for the services of Gothhouse concerned by your requests. We ensure that only duly authorised persons can access your personal data when this is necessary for the aforementioned purposes.

We do not pass your data on to third parties for commercial purposes.

We are only required to communicate your information if necessary, and if possible in a form that does not allow direct identification to:

  1. Our trusted third-party providers. For example, we entrust certain services to third parties responsible for delivering a product to you, payment service providers and transaction security against fraud, third parties who assist us in the organisation of our events, third parties providing services IT, digital communication and public relations agencies, third parties who assist us in customer care, third parties who assist us in qualitative surveys of our products, programs or services.
  2. Our trusted third party partners assist us in the management of your orders. In particular, we entrust certain services to third parties responsible for delivering a product to you, to payment service providers and to providers ensuring the security of anti-fraud transactions. Please note that these partners may act as data controllers; in this case, they have their own privacy policies. We illustrate some examples in the list below:
    • Skynet (delivery partner), Poslaju (delivery partner), Qexpress (delivery partner) and any other service provider in management.
    • E-commerce management Exabytes (website host), Easyparcel (eCommerce solution), and any other service provider in the management of your e-commerce shopping experience.
    • Payments and transaction security Bizappay (payment service provider), Stripe (payment processing) and any other payment service provider, verification, or banking provider.
    • Third parties wishing to know your interests so that they can build similar audiences and target prospects corresponding to your profile. In the context of this specific processing, we are not the data controller relating to prospecting and you will not be the subject of prospecting, your data being only used to constitute profiles similar to yours.
    • Third Parties in the event of a change of control or of status or company name, for legal reasons, or with your prior consent


You can also choose to disclose your personal data to our partners, advertisers and affiliates by following a link to and from their websites. Please note that these websites apply their own privacy policy.

We may also offer you the possibility of using your social media connection data. Please note that in this case, you are sharing your profile information with us. The personal data shared depends on the configuration of the social network platform. Please note that these social networks apply their own privacy policy.

We take all the necessary precautions to guarantee the confidentiality and security of your data and to prevent it from being distorted, damaged, destroyed or from unauthorised third parties having access to it.

We ask our partners and group companies to maintain a level of protection similar to ours concerning your personal data. The security measures put in place are evaluated and updated to face new threats and new challenges, as well as new legal requirements in the countries where we operate.

We realises that children may visit this website, and we encourages children to consult with their parents before submitting any information to any website, including ours.

However, we believes that it is ultimately the parents’ responsibility to supervise their children’s online activities and consider using parental control tools available from online services and software manufacturers that help provide a kid-friendly online environment. These tools can also prevent children from disclosing their names, addresses, and other personally identifiable information online without parental permission.

We will not knowingly collect any personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13 without first obtaining parental consent. If a child under 13 submits personal information to us and we learn that the information is from a child under 13, we will attempt to delete the information as soon as possible.

Applicable law and our practices change over time. If we decide to update our privacy policy, we will post the changes on our website. If we materially change the way in which we process your personal data, we will provide you with prior notice, or where legally required, request your consent prior to implementing such changes. We strongly encourage you to read our privacy policy and keep yourself informed of our practices. This privacy policy was last modified in Jan 2021.

We welcome questions, comments, and concerns about our privacy policy and privacy practices. If you wish to provide feedback or if you have questions or concerns or wish to exercise your rights related to your personal data, please contact us via: (i) the contact us section of our website; or (ii) an email to

If you contact us with a privacy complaint it will be assessed with the aim of resolving the issue in a timely and effective manner.



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除事先說明或依相關法律規定外,本網站不會擅自將您的個人資料提供給第三人或作為其他目的之用。 本網站會自動記錄您在網站內的瀏覽,這些資料僅作為流量分析和網路行為調查,便於改善網站服務品質。






當您成為本網站的會員時,即表示您已詳細閱讀、明確瞭解並同意接受本服務條款之所有內容。 此外,當您使用本網站的特定服務時,可能會依據該特定服務之性質,而須遵守本網站所另行公告之服務條款或相關規定。


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The management of Gothhouse reserves the right to change the terms of service without prior notice.